Elements Europe has been listed third fastest growing company in Shropshire with a 41.11% growth rate.
The top two listed above Elements Europe were social care group, Capital Care and Pickstock Telford, a beef processing facility.
The top 10 fastest-growing companies in the county cover eight different sectors, highlighting that no single industry leads the way when it comes to Shropshire’s success.
Elements Europe’s sector of Manufacturing accounts for 32% of the top 50 companies whilst the hospitality sector has the highest average growth, followed closely by social care and welfare.
Telford, which is home to Elements Europe is the clear centre of business growth in Shropshire; the town is home to 27 of the 50 companies in this year’s report.
“Telford is geographically a brilliant location. In the middle of the country and within easy reach of motorways to the north and south, our modules and pods can be transported with ease.” Commented Terry Lunt, Finance Director at Elements Europe.
In total, the 50 companies brought in almost £4.9bn in the last year, an increase of £1.1bn on last year’s turnover amongst the same companies.
Shropshire Council is determined to build on this strength with ambitious development plans that will make the economy even more resilient. While the national picture is subject to uncertainty, Shropshire is committed to being an attractive place to do business.