Elements Europe hosted a group visit from the University of Cambridge as part of an Industrial Review into the sector which the University and their partners are calling ‘Construction as Manufacturing (CaM)’.

The industrial review is aimed at exploring current practice, challenges and issues of CaM, which includes off-site production, upstream/downstream logistics, design for production and construction, and on-site production.

Elements Europe has been selected together with a number of international and UK based companies to take part in the review.

During their visit hosted by Managing Director Simon Underwood, design solutions and logistics, and production sequences were demonstrated. The group also discussed in detail the growing market in off-site construction and its influences.

Simon Underwood, commented “We were pleased to offer the University of Cambridge an insight into our Production Facility in Telford. Their review is engaging a wide range of stakeholders who are driving the way forward in off-site construction.”

“We look forward to continuing to work with the University of Cambridge and other organisations in the development of the industry” Underwood added.


The insight that Elements Europe has given will, together with other UK companies in the sector go towards a significant industry review.

Dr Tariq Masood, Senior Research Associate from the University of Cambridge commented “It was a pleasure to visit Elements Europe at its production facility. The visit was of considerable use to us in our industrial review. We witnessed first-hand the off-site approach to construction and the processes which result in higher levels of quality, increased speed of construction and more certainty in delivery.”


“Elements Europe has gained substantial learning and clearly invested considerably over the past 10 years of business in which they have delivered over 10,000 units of offsite fabrication.” He added.