Elements Europe has continued its employer partnership with Telford College last week. Representatives from the HR department attended a Skills Huddle, held by the College to discuss, along with other employer partners, its thoughts on current local construction skills and the future training needs for the business.

The nationwide skills shortage within the construction industry has long been a topic of conversation, especially since Brexit. Telford College is addressing this on a local level following a number of concerns from employer partners in the industry about the skills shortage in their workforce.

The College wants to ensure that as a provider of education for the industry, they are delivering the vital skills required by new entrants into the industry as well as existing business employees.

Attendees at the Skills Huddle discussed the needs of their business and the training gaps they have identified, as well as how employers and the college can work together to ensure the longevity of local economic growth by shaping the curriculum to help drive this. The College also wants to ensure that emerging projects directly benefit local employer’s needs within the sector.

“Telford College is really proving their passion for delivering exceptional and relevant training to the construction industry. As an employer this gives us great reassurance that we can continue to employ locally, something which is extremely important to us.  We look forward to a long and successful partnership with Telford College and together delivering employment into Telford.” Commented Michael Lloyd, HR Manager.