Over the past 12 months SiFi Networks and the City of Pacific Grove have been working hard to make Pacific Grove a FiberCity™.

Before a decision can be made on which model is the most sustainable for any community a great deal of work has to be done which includes an independent feasibility study to find out what the demand for high speed internet is within the city as well as the completion of detailed engineering designs for the network.

“We have been working hard to create a viable model in what is a relatively small community. Both the City Staff and SiFi Networks believe that the FiberCity™ solution which could allow residents and businesses a choice of service providers is best for Pacific Grove” said Ben Bawtree-Jobson, CEO of SiFi Networks.

“Our findings so far have been positive- the independent feasibility study showed a strong demand in the city for faster internet and our engineering team has been successful in designing the network. The key is hitting a great price point for the residents and businesses, and with this model Service Providers can definitely do that” added Ben.

Over 400 municipalities across America have built fiber networks themselves to date, typically through federal loans, grants or increases in taxes to fund the deployment. SiFi Networks’ FiberCity™ model builds and operates fiber networks without increasing taxes in the community as they are 100% funded by SiFi Networks.

Fiber internet can bring countless advantages to existing residents and businesses as well as attracting new ones to the city. If the network is to be built each and every premise throughout the city will be able to benefit from internet speeds which are up to 50 times faster than the national average.

“Fiber internet could really put Pacific Grove on the map and the benefits should not be understated. We have seen a great deal of excitement throughout the community about the project and the advantages it will bring” said Moe Ammar, President at the Chamber of Commerce for Pacific Grove.

The next step for SiFi Networks and the city of Pacific Grove is to help the community and council members better understand the proposal enabling them to make an informed decision on whether or not to allow SiFi Networks to bring fiber to the city.

SiFi Networks will host a public consultation in the coming weeks to update and inform the entire community of the proposal, details of which will appear on our website http://sifinetworks.com/cities/pacific-grove-ca/ and will be distributed by the City Clerk’s Office.

About SiFi NetworksSiFi Networks funds, builds and operates fiber optic networks enabling service providers to deliver dozens of next generation applications including superfast internet, video and phone, creating SiFi Networks’ FiberCities™ throughout the USA and Europe.

For more information visit SiFi Networks www.sifinetworks.com or follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/SiFiNetworks

SiFi Networks’ Press Contacts:

Sara Pickstock sara@sifinetworks.com