J-Ross Developments secured detailed planning permission in December 2012 to construct a new Sainsbury’s in Llangollen on the site of the current Dobson& Crowther building.

The multi million pound development will include the relocation of Dobson&Crowther printing works to a new purpose-built building which will release significant benefits for the business allowing their current operations to be modernised, ensuring they remain competitive in their market and helping to safeguard the future of their business.

The new 3,205 sq.m. Sainsbury’s store will be developed following Dobson and Crowther’s relocation, and will benefit from its own dedicated car park and pedestrian linkage to the town centre. The new store will create will create at least 120 new jobs for the area.

It is expected that the store will encourage more local people to complete their weekly food shop in the town, rather travelling to other nearby centres. In order for the town centre to benefit, J-Ross Developments has been careful to ensure that the new store will be linked to the town centre along the riverside walkway, which would provide an attractive pedestrain route into town, and encourage more linked trips with the town centre.

J-Ross Developments ltd has also taken time, working closely with Denbighshire Council to ensure that the proposed store design and quality complements the picturesque riverside location, recognising the site’s location in of an area of outstanding natural beauty and within the buffer zone of a World Heritage site.

Graham Wilson, Sainsbury’s regional development executive, welcomed the news of the planning permission and said: “This is an exciting opportunity that not only benefits Dobson & Crowther, but also allows Sainsbury’s to help the residents of Llangollen live well for less. Sainsbury’s will activate its “Supply Something New” initiative to Llangollen, which will see local supplier’s products being sold at the store.”

Nick Scott, Chief Executive of J-Ross Developments, explained that “J-Ross Developments have worked with key local stakeholders, taking on board their comments through the consultation process, to ensure that the detailed planning permission reflected local requirements.” He added “we are looking forward to starting on this exciting project within the next three months and hope to have the new store open and trading by the summer of next year.”