J-Ross Developments will attend a public consultation on the 24th May to present their Master plan proposals for Sustainable Urban Extension to the town of Oswestry, the event will be hosted by Shropshire County Council in the Memorial Hall.

The Sustainable Urban Extension has already been identified in the Core Strategy for the Shropshire LDF adopted in March 2011 and is referred to in Policy CS3 as one of three sustainable urban extensions in Shropshire.  The Master plan details the development aspirations and objectives for the Oswestry Sustainable Urban Extension, underpinning the more detailed design proposals for the development. It will also explain the planning policy context for the project as well as providing an understanding of the existing characteristics of the land and its surroundings.

The “vision” and objectives for the development will be presented, outlining the principles and design guidelines that will shape the future of the Sustainable Urban Extension.

Nick Scott Chief Executive of J-Ross Developments explained that the public consultation event will provide a valuable opportunity to consult with the local community which will assist us in refining our more detailed scheme proposals.