Elements Europe, an off-site construction specialist from the West Midlands, will be touring their latest product, the Modular Adaptation Pod (M.A.P) throughout the South of England from 15th – 18th February 2010.

The M.A.P is a new product that enables elderly and disabled people to live more comfortably in their own home. The M.A.P is a single storey extension manufactured completely within the Elements Europe factory and simply installed onto any existing property.

This tour has been organised in response to interest from local southern Councils who are keen to use them to adapt homes, as traditional alterations are costly, time consuming and can cause substantial disruption. Local Councils will use M.A.Ps to reduce the time individuals have to wait for adaptations to be made to their homes.

These pods are designed and developed by Elements Europe to ensure full compliance with disability and building regulations. There are five standard designs to choose from, all of which can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the individual.

The construction of a M.A.P takes a matter of weeks from the point of order which will be invaluable to individuals and their families who are struggling in a two storey dwelling. The M.A.P is completely constructed within our factory meaning that it can be installed in days rather than weeks, using fewer tradesmen and causing less disruption to people’s homes.

The technology used to manufacture these life changing, single storey extensions is the same as Elements Europe uses to manufacture hotel bedrooms, care homes, and student accommodation.
Elements Europe offer a one stop shop from initial design to installation, with additional support for planning and building regulations also provided if required.